I Am Not Afraid

Calypso, the miniature tigress

I am up, once again, before the sun. It’s too cold to sit on the porch this morning, so I did the next best thing: propped myself in my favorite recliner next to a big picture window with a hot mug of coffee, and Calypso, the miniature tigress, in my lap. The Eastern Phoebes that return every spring to their nest under the back porch have arrived. They pause on the porch rail periodically with a beakful of grass to bring their nest back up to code. Their calls of “fee bee….fee bee” as they dart around catching their buggy breakfast bring a smile. I put on my headphones and listened to a devotional by John Eldredge. I watched through the window as the sunrise bloomed over the Twelve Acre Woods, and John reminded me how God has set an outpost of Eden within me. ‘Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s temple and that the Spirit of God lives in you? ‘ (1 Cor 3:16, CSB). It is a lovely morning, peaceful and bright. But let me back up a bit.

I was surprised to learn recently that I have cancer. I had gone to my doctor for a routine check up, and as the appointment was wrapping up, he said, “It looks like you haven’t had blood work done in a while, so I’ll put in an order to get that done. Stop in the at lab sometime when it’s convenient.” It was convenient a week or so later, so I stopped on my way to work and got it done (and afterwards, found a delightful little donut shop I hadn’t known about). A few days later, the results came back. Something wasn’t right. That led to another blood test, which led to a bone scan, which led to an MRI, which led to a visit to an oncologist, which led to a biopsy, which led to a chest CT scan which gets us up to date: I have cancer. Sarcoma in a muscle in my hip, which has metastasized into my lungs, to be very specific.

Needless to say, this has been quite a shock and a blow. Over the last few weeks I’ve been through the gamut of denial, fear, sadness, and anger. I was on the front porch one evening after receiving the confirmed diagnosis, trying to process the news. I was playing some songs on my smart speaker, and hit upon one by Anne Wilson called Strong. She sang this line: “I hit my knees with my hands held high, saying dear Lord Jesus you know I can’t do this on my own.” It almost made me laugh as Jesus reminded me – Of course, I can’t do this on my own! That’s the whole point, isn’t it? Jesus told us this in no uncertain terms: apart from Me, you can do nothing! (John 15:5, NASB). Nothing! The burdens of this world – I can’t carry them. It’s a truth that is so undeniably obvious and yet one that I so obliviously deny! Anne Wilson’s song goes on to confess, “Lord knows I try, but I’m good at falling down. Thank God you’re good at picking me up off the ground!”

It was in that moment, in which Jesus so kindly and gently reminded me that “with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible,” (Matthew 19:26, CSB) that my fear and anxiety subsided. That’s not to say I haven’t had moments of fear, anxiety, depression, or anger. But he has been faithful. I take these moments and lay them at his feet and invite him into them.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that worrying about stuff is sort of a hobby of mine and I’ve gotten pretty good at it. So I know that even my ability to receive this kindness and gentleness from Jesus is a result of so many people praying on my behalf for strength and peace. The freedom from fear can only have come from God, and as a result of the fervent prayers of the Righteous (James 5:16, NKJV).

I have no idea why God has set this path before me and and my wife and our family, but he has. I trust that his heart is good even when I can’t see the goodness. I am not afraid.

Here’s a bonus picture of the mighty Calypso the Miniature Tigress. You’re welcome.


  1. Beautiful words of wisdom and strength. The beginning of God’s mighty work through this is already apparent. Know that many are holding you up before our almighty God knowing that He has a plan and purpose for this which we might not understand or see until we’re in His heavenly kingdom. We pray for wisdom, strength, provision, protection, and so much more for you and the family. He will be with you every step of the way.

  2. I am inspired by your bravery. I know it is fueled by the Holy Spirit, but you still had to make a choice to believe and accept it. I am praying constantly for healing. I know God has a plan, he still sits on his throne, and he wasn’t taken by surprise with this. Love you!

  3. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes we definitely don’t understand, but still trust in the Lord with all our heart. It’s good you know God’s got this, even as you question the reasons for it all.

  4. i dont know what we can make of reasons or why for such difficult life changing things, but i do believe that your response and relationship to God and sharing with us makes something valuable of the situation you are in (and we are in actually)…thank you also for seeing and sharing the cat…another parable of being together and the beauty of it. Lord be with you

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